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Electronic Dance Music (EDM) Rock / ?

Portman was born in Jerusalem, Israel. ?

Natalie Portman's real net worth is not verified, but our writers estimates that Natalie Portman currently has a forecasted net worth around $30 When our experts think of profit sources beyond Instagram, it's very likely Natalie Portman is worth more than 48Natalie Portman's Instagram profile has actually brought in 6 Natalie Portman Net Worth. Benjamin Millepied Facts & Wiki. November 8, 2023 September 23, 2023 by torq07. Natalie … Like Amy Adams and Gwyneth Paltrow, Portman lands on our list mostly thanks to playing second fiddle to a guy in a silly costume. defl lotto Known for her diverse roles and powerful performances, Portman has earned a substantial income from acting and lucrative endorsements, including a significant partnership with Dior. According to Celebrity Net Worth and Yahoo, he has amassed a fortune of $10 million. Having started acting in films as a teenager, she has subsequently gone on to feature in dozens of big-budget and indie films, winning a slew of awards including the Academy Award, the BAFTA, and the Screen Actors Guild. A famous actress, as well as a film director, how rich is Natalie Portman? According to sources, Natalie Portman’s annual salary in 2013 amounted to $14 million, while in 2014 it was estimated to be $13 million. demale male spanking art Natalie Portman, an actress renowned for her depth and versatility, has an estimated Natalie Portman Net Worth of around $90 million as of 2024. Natalie Portman, an actress known for her outstanding roles in various blockbuster films, has certainly made a name for herself in Hollywood. What Is Natalie Portman Net Worth in 2024? Natalie Portman is an American Actress, Producer, Director, and Writer with a net worth of $90 million as of 2024. 7 million), according to. She is the face of one of the company’s fragrances, Miss Dior, inspired by. It differs from the gross cos. deforced stepmom Being one of the most successful actresses in Hollywood with several commercially hit films like Star Wars, Thor, and Black Swan, Natalie Portman has accumulated a lot of international fame and a staggering net worth of approximately $90 million as of 2023. ….

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